Dr. Bahadır Fatih Yıldırım


Development of Confidence Index for the Logistics Industry

Prof. Dr. Abdullah Okumuş

İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi

Doç. Dr. Ebru Demirci

İstanbul Üniversitesi Ulaştırma ve Lojistik Fakültesi

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Bahadır Fatih Yıldırım

İstanbul Üniversitesi Ulaştırma ve Lojistik Fakültesi

Dr. Salih Özçelik

İstanbul Üniversitesi Ulaştırma ve Lojistik Fakültesi

Yavuz Öner

KPMG Türkiye


With the conflict of international economic interests, the competitiveness of many companies operating in the field of production and service comes to the fore as a determining factor for the national economies. The export-oriented growth approaches of the developing countries are of particular interest to the logistics sector and increase the importance of the logistics sector with the rising business volume. In this context, it is of great importance to determine the current situation in the logistics sector and to express the sectoral trends and expectations numerically in a summarized framework. In this study; The Logistics Confidence Index (LCI) index was created in order to reveal the conditions of the logistics sector in the short and long term for public administrators, international investors and sector managers, to meet the need for early warning in economic contractions and to reveal national opportunities in expansions. The Logistics Sector Tendency Survey was designed to be used as a data source in the LGE calculation. By means of this survey, the opinions of industry experts were compiled on a quarterly basis. Balance Method has been used in the calculation of LGE because it is a reliable method with international validity. It has been observed that the confidence indices obtained are sensitive to economic changes, reflecting the conditions of the sector, and keeping the pulse of the sector. Within the scope of the Development of the Logistics Confidence Index for the Turkish Logistics Industry project, 12 different indices have been calculated on a quarterly basis starting from 31.12.2019. These indicators, which allow the current situation and expectations of the sector to be seen, are carefully followed by investors and public administrators. In addition, the indices, which are open to the use of researchers and academicians, will contribute to the development of the literature in this field.

Keywords: Confidence Index Calculation, Logistics Confidence Index, Logistics Industry